The test results the new nephrologist ordered show the first significant improvement in kidney I've seen since my initial diagnosis en February. Perhaps the results a just a favorable "blip", just as the previous results were unfavorable "blips", but nonetheless they cheered me up a lot and gave confidence to my belief that improvement is possible.
Serum CreatinineTo put things in context, the results aren't all that different from those of February but after months of serum creatinine levels in the 2.3 to 2.5mg/dl range, it was great to get a
2.0mg/dl result ("normal" is 0.8 to 1.5 mg/dl, and "dialysis" is something like 7mg/dl).
Creatinine ClearanceThe Creatinine Clearance Rate (CCR) showed a dramatic improvement. The Creatinine Clearance Rate measures the ability of the kidneys to process creatinine (a substance produced by the muscles) and it is used as an aproximation for overall kidney function as it is fairly easy to measure (just collect all your urine in a bottle for 24 hours - simple!)
In April tests showed a CCR of
33ml/min (normal is 61 to 166), which can roughly be translated as "30% of normal kidney function"
My current test shows a CCR of
52.5ml/min ! I haven't consulted with the nephrologist yet to see what his interpretation of the results is but to me it seems like a big improvement!
ProteinuriaAnother improvement was in the amount of protein in my urine. The last 24 hour test in April showed leakage of
1485mg of albumin (a protein) into my urine (and the test prior to that showed
1881mg of total proteins). Normal is between 42 and 225mg.
The current test shows
989mg of albumin leakage in 24 hours. This could just be due to less protein consumption, will have to see what the nephrologist says.
OtherThe rest of the measurements were pretty much the same as ever, slightly anemic but not too far from normal.
Theories for the improvement
As I said at the beginning, perhaps there is no particular reason for the improvement and it is just a "blip". However, if the improvement came about as a result of my actions it is probably due to one (or more) of the following:
Elimination of Gluten. I completely eliminated gluten from my diet on 15-Jul-09. Although my test on 13-Aug-09 showed no noticable improvement perhaps it is something that took time to have an effect. Ironically I was actually planning to starting eating gluten again if this test showed no improvement. Now I guess I'll stick it out until at least the next test to see if my current results are stable.
Sodium Bicarbonate. On the advice of a couple of people and some studies, I took sodium bicarbonate between 13-Aug-09 and 10-Sep-09. I stopped taking it as I felt that it may be raising my blood pressure (I now think it was actually lack of sleep that was raising my blood pressure). Incidentally, my current blood test showed slightly elevated sodium levels.
Magnetized Water. A month ago, somebody came selling me magnetized water as the perfect solution for regenerating kidney tissue. I don't really believe in such things but thought it was worth a try and so have been drinking it (have drunk 30L so far). Guess I'll keep it up for a while, 'just in case'.
Prayer. About a week ago I read Dale Carnegie's book "How to stop worrying and start living". I enjoyed the book and for some reason found the section on prayer quite compelling (even though I don't follow any organized religion). I believe that chronic is diseased is caused by the brain and that part of me actually wants to be ill (to get sympathy, I guess) and it occurred to me that fervent prayer may be a way of reprogramming the brain with a strong affirmation of a desire NOT to be ill, so I have been trying at night and in the mornings to "pray" to be cured. I actually believe that this prayer is the main reason for my improved results. One cause of doubt is the speed of the change (only a week) but I guess miracles are traditionally reported as being sudden, so why not?!