The rest of the results were fairly stable and normal or close to normal, with the exception of Uric Acid at 8.9mg/dL (normal 7.2mg/dL) but this has been up and down since diagnosis in 2009, ranging from 4.7 to 9.2mg/dL.
Full lab test history:
Blood pressure, with treatment, has been around 125/75 during the last year.
So, all in all, things seem to be stable and I'll continue with the same regime:
- Losartan 50mg / day for blood pressure. Without treatment I would probably be around 130/90.
- No meat. Occasional fish and seafood (maybe once or twice a month).
- Occasional eggs, cheese and yogurt (around once a week).
- Lots of fruit.
- Fair amount of vegetables, rice, maize (corn), potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado, coconut, nuts.
- Fair amount of cacao, mostly in Kicao bars (I work for this company).
- Very little wheat or pure milk (not sure if this is relevant to kidney fucntion or not but it seems to have helped my intestines).